InfoArchive 23.3 API's status 404 "notFound"
I am trying to connect to the API's of InfoArchive 23.3. I have succesfully obtained an acces token and I use this token to send requests to the API's of InfoArchive.
Even when using a simple request that does not require parameters, I keep getting the following error in PostMan: {"timestamp":"2023-10-17T08:55:53.544+00:00","status":404,"error":"Not Found","path":"/services"}.
Using Curl gives the same error. I am using the "GET" command with the API "http://localhost:8080/services". It looks to me that the endpoint needs some kind of prefix in it, but the documentation does not mention that.
Best Answer
Found the issue. I need to use port 8765 instead of 8080
Found the issue. I need to use port 8765 instead of 8080
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