We are trying to implement the Core Capture Services REST API(https://developer.opentext.com/imservices/products/captureservice/apis/captureservice), but I am having a hard time putting it in place.
I am trying to make calls to the Core Capture Services REST API via Postman to our development server.
Some calls were not secured, so I was able to get an answer, but for others I received an 401 error.
GET {{host}}/cp-rest/about?suppress_response_codes=suppress_response_codes
and I get
"returnStatus": {
"status": 401,
"substatus": 0,
"code": "ER8012",
"message": "[M8012] La demande a été rejetée en raison d'un ticket de session d'authentification non valide ou ayant expiré.",
"server": "WI"
I would like to know how I can generate an OAuth2 token.
Which endpoint should be called? otds endpoint? What information is needed to be passed?
If a client-id/secret is needed, how can one be generated?
It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide any help.