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getting "Failed to find configuration. Category: ImageProcessing, Configuration name: BW."
using below code to make call capture service but getting error err: "Failed to find configuration. Category: ImageProcessing, Configuration name: BW."
What technologies will shape the future of healthcare?
TL;DR Anything that automates processes. This is why Next Gen AI/LLMs are so attractive. Back-end workflow/Decision automation. Connecting across the 3 segments of Care management (Primary, Specialty, Hospital) is the best bang for the buck. Technologies that integrate data sources and provide appropriate information for…
Login failed in core capture designer !
I was trying to use core capture designer after installing it , but the login fails , not sure about the parameters , is the URL correct ?
Core Capture Services REST API Authentification
Hi, We are trying to implement the Core Capture Services REST API(, but I am having a hard time putting it in place. I am trying to make calls to the Core Capture Services REST API via Postman to our development server. Some calls were…
Upload large files to the OT2 Core Capture
This question is in reference to the Opentext Core Capture API document. When I try to upload a large file either as Binary or Base64, I get the following 413 error: POST { "fault": { "faultstring": "Body buffer overflow", "detail": { "errorcode":…
Core Capture postman collection
OpenText™ Core Capture Services are SaaS-based capture microservices that provide capabilities to enhance images, create text-searchable PDF documents, and perform automated document classification and data extraction, including a machine-learning mechanism to improve classification and data extraction accuracy over time.…
Interested in the Transforming Information capture challenge
Paper records or documents pose the same problem – the lack of digital optimization. When documents or records are added to a system of record, it lacks of usable data that can be utilized for further analysis. Take blood tests for example, when uploaded it lacks of metadata. Imagine if you could turn the results of a…
Reminder: The Capture Service demo app and tutorial are available
Just a reminder that video walk through, Code used in the video and a step-by-step guide are available.
Capture Services Doubt
I am having the following doubts while using the IM services (Capture Services specifically): a. In the authentication endpoints, which client id has to be used? I tested out the authentication with both of the client ids (public and private) and both of them works. So, is it okay to use anyone or the secret client id is…
Core Capture API Real Time Service: Process Image / Process Image Pipeline
Hi, I am trying to use the Process Image / Process Image Pipeline; services from Core Capture API Real-Time Services with a previously created image processor profile in order to enhance an image taken by a phone camera to handle QR Code detection. All requests are made with Postman and all status code are 200. The first…
What is the correct Authorization URL for the OAuth2 authorization for the API?
Hi, I am trying to connect to the Opentext Core Capture API, but I am stuck at the OAuth2 authentication. I am trying to call the API using the grant type: authorization code, but I cannot find the appropriate authorization URL. By retrieving the Home Resources as mentioned in the documentation…