How would I use the REST api to create a node with xrefs in one call?
I seem to be able to run the query on the nodes endpoint with the following body:
type: 144,
parent_id: 48061438,
name: 'test',
roles: {
categories: {
'25953013_3': ['aaa'],
'25953013_2': ['bbb'],
'25953013_4': ['ccc']
xrefs: {
xref_type: "XREF",
xref_id: 2829282882
But the server responds with an error noting that I need to select an object to reference. I clearly have the format wrong. Help would be appreciated!
type: 144,
parent_id: 48061438,
name: 'test',
roles: {
categories: {
'25953013_3': ['aaa'],
'25953013_2': ['bbb'],
'25953013_4': ['ccc']
xrefs: {
xref_type: "XREF",
xref_id: 2829282882
But the server responds with an error noting that I need to select an object to reference. I clearly have the format wrong. Help would be appreciated!
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