How to create Document using Content Server Web services via SOAP UI
How create document which are available in local or network drive using CWS as shown in the below xml.
Can someone help me with this query!
URL: https://<ServerName>:8443/cws/services/DocumentManagement?wsdl
Method: CreateDocument
xml Request :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="" xmlns:urn1="" xmlns:urn2="">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
OT has actually asked people to code in REST API but webservices(SOAP) still work.What is really the question? If you use SOAPUI and point to the WSDL you should be able totest that out and chnage that to a regular industry standard language like C++, C#, Java or any others
Ok if you are absolutely a novice in SOAP
- The WSDL just means you will be able to download them to your C# project or Java Project as WCF or JAX-WS proxies.
- Further when your calls actually hit the server the web.config (web.xml in TC) in a CWS application actually contact the CS server on the LAPI port using the usertoken and password.
Plenty of starter codes existed at one time here I cant find the links so I suggest using the very confusing search on OT by doing several terms like "SOAP" "CWS","les-services" etc
I had put samples in my blog but they are all very old but my blog is
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Hi thanks for the prompt reply!
Actually the requirement is Business has the third-party application and this application goals to gather all the list of files and places in SFTP location. And from this SFTP location middle layer application(EAI MuleSoft) fetches the files from this SFTP location and NEEDS create/upload them into OpenText Content Server.
So, this middle layer application(EAI MuleSoft) need to consume Content Server Web Services to create document in CS via WSDL (https://<ServerName>:8443/cws/services/DocumentManagement?wsdl)and method name CreateDocument below is screenshot and EAI MuleSoft consume CWS as below and they develops the code to create document.
Hope this clears your question and yes, absolutely a novice in SOAP :)
Also can you help me understand between CWS verses REST API. when to use CWS(SOAP) and REST API(Postman)
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Yes, the use case is pervasive as I have assisted people doing this in MuleSoft. OT has told the community that the SOAP Webservices have been deprecated. It doesn't mean anything in the near term but at some point, OT could remove the code that is written in Oscript that receives the webservices, AFAIK it is not that easy as the SAP ABAP stack uses webservices to get SAP things created in OTCS. Until they re-write all that legacy code I can't see webservices going out of favor but I have no real way of knowing this so take it with some iodized salt…
REST is OT's REST implementation to support new-age HTML5 and ongoing types of devices. It does work very well but I doubt if REST has all the things that mature CWS had at one time REST is getting there to offer all parity to other interfaces. I am just on a project where they are replacing a WS-based TIBCO integration. I wrote in Java the interfaces to replace that with REST.
Postman is a tool to test/write REST.SOAPUI is a tool to test/write SOAP that is how I view them. Without these tools available freely for developers one would feel very short.
This is where you or your Mulesoft guys should go and try doing that starter code.
This is where we all used to collaborate is the place to get REST API help
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