Integrating Issue with OpenText using Outsystem Platform Application
Hello Community Peeps,
I am using Outsytems Platform Application to integrate with OpenText Extended ECM Content Server.
The REST API that I am consuming is
(POST | /v2/nodes) with the intent of uploading a document to Opentext. On the Outsystems Platform Application, the REST API is consumed with the request format of multipart/form-data.I am unable to upload the document and the error message that I am getting is "An illegal attempt was made to upload a document."
Anyone has encountered this issue and have a solution?
OT will not allow the File (the one that is sitting on your computer) to be directly referenced as a File Path. So when you use the Postman you will see that the correct way is to supply the file as a parameter.OT uses a JSON String called body (not the HTML body) and the File in a multipart to get that done. In some of the programming forums, we have put code. in the api docs, you or your programmer should really look at IMPLEMENTATION NOTES
I believe in my blog have written a heavily commented Java sample that shows the form data put.Modern developer assume JSON as the way to do everything but CS uses a fake JSON in a multipart to get that done.
I helped this user recently as well
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