Tech Eval XM for Synchrony Financial API question

Customer is evaluating XM and coding to the SOAP API. They are requesting direction for the following:
"Our requirement is to get one fax at a time preferably in First In First Out order like a Queue. Then we delete the fax after our getting the data. It will be helpful to if someone can point us to right method or an example. Please suggest if the below methods are correct or we need to explore something else.
- Get new fax: getFirstInboundFax
- Delete fax by fax id: deletePermanently
- Send new fax: sendFax
Can someone please assist here?
Best Answer
Using XM SOAP API for Fax Retrieval and Deletion
Your identified methods seem correct for your requirements:getFirstInboundFax: This method likely retrieves the first fax in the queue, fulfilling your FIFO (First-In-First-Out) requirement.
deletePermanently: This method permanently deletes the retrieved fax after processing.
sendFax: This method is likely for sending new outgoing faxes, which isn't your primary concern here.
Here's how you can potentially approach this:Retrieve Fax:
Use getFirstInboundFax to get the first fax in the queue.
The response should contain the fax data you need.
Process Fax Data:Parse the retrieved fax data (e.g., recipient, sender, content) based on the XM SOAP API response format.
Delete Fax:Use deletePermanently with the fax ID obtained from the getFirstInboundFax marykayintouch response to remove the processed fax.
Requesting Confirmation and Additional Information:It's recommended to consult the XM SOAP API documentation for specific details on these methods, including:
Required and optional parameters for getFirstInboundFax and deletePermanently.
Data format of the fax retrieved by getFirstInboundFax.Replace placeholders with your actual XM SOAP API credentials and code specific to your programming language.
Thoroughly test the code with your XM SOAP API environment.
Refer to the official XM SOAP API documentation for comprehensive details and potential error handling.I hope the solution may help you.
Using XM SOAP API for Fax Retrieval and Deletion
Your identified methods seem correct for your requirements:getFirstInboundFax: This method likely retrieves the first fax in the queue, fulfilling your FIFO (First-In-First-Out) requirement.
deletePermanently: This method permanently deletes the retrieved fax after processing.
sendFax: This method is likely for sending new outgoing faxes, which isn't your primary concern here.
Here's how you can potentially approach this:Retrieve Fax:
Use getFirstInboundFax to get the first fax in the queue.
The response should contain the fax data you need.
Process Fax Data:Parse the retrieved fax data (e.g., recipient, sender, content) based on the XM SOAP API response format.
Delete Fax:Use deletePermanently with the fax ID obtained from the getFirstInboundFax marykayintouch response to remove the processed fax.
Requesting Confirmation and Additional Information:It's recommended to consult the XM SOAP API documentation for specific details on these methods, including:
Required and optional parameters for getFirstInboundFax and deletePermanently.
Data format of the fax retrieved by getFirstInboundFax.Replace placeholders with your actual XM SOAP API credentials and code specific to your programming language.
Thoroughly test the code with your XM SOAP API environment.
Refer to the official XM SOAP API documentation for comprehensive details and potential error handling.I hope the solution may help you.
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Thank you Cassie. I sent this information to the customer and they are making progress on their end.
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