findOutboundFaxesAdvanced API issues
Hi all,
I have been getting many 500s (which return as 400 in the status code field of the response) with the following error: The search failed to complete within the time allowed. Please simplify your search criteria/options or retry later
From investigating it looks like the issue is with the performance of the BroadcastId property when searching by query as.
The following query with only maxCount = 1 for one BrodcastId sometimes returns 200 sometimes returns the bad request error. Would it be possible to get more insight into this?
I've already created a case for this issue which is pretty high priority and they told me to post the question here. Here is the query:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <ws:findOutboundFaxesAdvanced> <userId>{{app_user_id}}</userId> <startIndex>1</startIndex> <maxCount>1</maxCount> <keywordInfo> <query>11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111-11111111-BR OR 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111-11111111-BR</query> <property>BroadcastId</property> </keywordInfo> </ws:findOutboundFaxesAdvanced> </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
The {{app_user_id}} is mentioned in the Case number CS0320923. Note that the query IDs are fake IDs for this post.
How many broadcast id are use in the real request? How many OR? If there is more then a few, I would suggest to reduce that number. You could also make one request per broadcastid instead, as to not get the performance error message.
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The request succeeds always when there is 1 broadcast ID, fails sometimes when there are 2 and always fails when there are 3 OR. That is what I tested using my account ID and the POSTMAN requests gave by your documentation. If I wanted to look at 50 broadcast Ids, would I need to make 50 requests at once? What is the rate limit to get the fax status?
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In your case (searching on the broadcastId property), I would suggest to use the exact match search, instead of keyword search:
</searchInfo>You will have to make a request per broadcastId, but it will be a lot faster then the keyword search, and even in an enterprise with a lot of fax, you should never get a timeout.
There are no rate limits in place currently. This said, best practice suggest to make each call consecutively (as oppose to 50 concurrent call).
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