xECM 24.2 - Digitally Sign the Module
Hello Friends,
I recently was trying to install a custom module in xECM 24.2 and got a warning saying that "The OLL file does not have a digital signature" and wondering if you guys came across this. Although this didn't prevent me installing the module, I am curious if this is an extra step that we need to go through moving forward.
Appreciate if you guys share any info or process to digitally sign the olls.
Mahesh - this is done using the OLLSigner tool that OpenText introduced to the xECM/CS Development SDK in 24.2.
Is the custom module one you developed, or another party? If yourself, then I'd assume you have access to OT's support site - try downloading the CS SDK documentation for 24.2, I believe the tool is documented there.
It's not documented in CSIDE itself, there's an FR for that I raised.
If another party developed the module, then you could request they sign.
Note signing at this point isn't mandatory.
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As there was recently some confusion about the location, esp. the documentation…
This is the tool's location:
And here is the documentation:
The documentation itself is actually included in CSIDE, we just forgot to add it to the navigation tree ;) If you select the "Content Server SDK Documentation" in the tree, the index page points you to the OLLSigner user guide. (The screenshot is from the current development version, it already includes the link in the navigation tree as well.)
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This is the custom module created by me. Thanks for pointing to the documentation as I couldn't find it in the support site.
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