Introduction to Sustainability in MedTech

A George
A George E Member
edited July 8 in Challenges #1

Hacknosis is back and if you've been wondering what sustainability has to do with technology and how it impacts the medical industry, you're not alone. Let's get into it!

What is sustainability and how does it apply to technology?

Sustainability is not a new concept and the term is broadly used to indicate programs, initiatives and actions aimed at the preservation of a particular resource, social program or sustainable development goal. However, it refers to 4 distinct areas: social, human, economic and environmental. The goals of these areas are:

  • Social - Aims to preserve social capital by investing and creating services that constitute the framework of our society while maintaining and improving social quality.
  • Human - Aims to maintain and improve human capital in society and encompasses the development of skills.
  • Economic - Aims to keep capital intact while maintaining stable economic growth.
  • Environmental -Aims to improve human welfare through protection of natural capital (e.g. land, air, water, minerals, etc.)

The UN introduced the The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015 and was adopted by all United Nations Member States. This agenda provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet and consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals provides guidance on how technology, science and capacity building can be pillars for future development. The links in this paragraph provide more context, feel free to explore the content further.

When it comes to sustainable technology, it's not just about reducing the carbon footprint technology devices emit or reducing lines of code to reduce processing, solutions must benefit the people they are meant to serve. As the hackathon commences, we'll be providing more content around the ways information management can be utilized to serve both people and planet, solve challenges and support sustainable development.

Sustainable MedTech

Every industry is facing dynamic changes as new technological advancements allow businesses to do more with their data. Blockchain is a great example of how technology can implement information management systems to enhance visibility within a business or across an entire supply chain.

Information management plays a critical role in ensuring sustainable development within the MedTech industry. Here's how:

1. Data-driven decision making: Effective information management allows medtech companies to collect, store, analyze and utilize data on various aspects like resource consumption, product life cycle, and patient outcomes. This data can then be used to make informed decisions regarding:

  • Resource optimization: Identifying areas where resources like energy or materials can be reduced during manufacturing and product use.
  • Product design: Developing medical devices with longer lifespans, easier repairability, and improved energy efficiency.
  • End-of-life management: Establishing efficient recycling or disposal processes for medical devices at the end of their useful life.

2. Improved product stewardship: Good Information management systems can track medical devices throughout their lifecycle, ensuring proper use, maintenance, and disposal. This not only reduces environmental impact but also minimizes risks associated with improper device use.

3. Collaboration and knowledge sharing: Efficient information sharing fosters collaboration between different stakeholders in the medtech ecosystem, including researchers, manufacturers, healthcare providers, and patients. This collaboration can accelerate the development of sustainable medical technologies and best practices.

How does OpenText support sustainable development?

The OpenText Zero-In Initiative is our guiding framework to achieving global impact goals related to our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments and programs. Affirming our promise to harness the power of technology for the greater good, the OpenText Zero-In Initiative is focused on specific, measurable goals that leverage data to enable us to move the dial on critical global challenges. The OpenText Zero-In Initiative is centered around three pillars:

To learn more about our commitments and corporate citizenship initiatives, visit

OpenText has a range of solutions to help customers achieve their sustainability goals. Whether you're looking to build a solid digital foundation with a sustainable supply chain solution or you want to measure, report on, and improve your IT sustainability outcomes with OpenText IT Operations Cloud, our solutions can help support your green journey. To learn more: