And just to clarify this is the password needed to make important updates under the admin section and can normally be reset in the server parameters page if you know it. Unfortunately not the case in my situation in our PROD environment. I have the otadmin / Admin / CS admin (all sort of the same thing and synced is my understanding). A solution I saw online was to replace the AdminPW= line from OTCS_HOME/config/opentext.ini. I recently installed CS/OTDS in a TEST environment so I have the Web Admin PW there. I started playing around, changing the PW and recording the different hashes. But I was experiencing odd behavior. It was not respecting the hashed string I substituted in and instead went with the password which was last set on the CS UI. So I was unable to reset it this way. In fact resetting it from 'livelink' to 'livelink' I would expect to yeild the exact same hash but it actually replaced the AdminPwd= line with a totally different hash. Is this password being stored elsewhere ? is the hash algorithm using a salting mechanism ? I actually even removed the AdminPwd= line entirely from opentext.ini and reset the password from the UI to 'livelink' again and it repopulated opentext.ini with a new AdminPwd=<totallynewhash> line. Any help is much appreciated.