How i can add a task or task list in smart view i know there are no task as an object ?
you can add task list or task in classic i want a way to add task an open it in smart UI
Hi Omar,
In general, not all components available in the Classic UI have been brought over to the Smart UI. Tasks and Task Lists are one of these components (as are forums, for example, for which we created a Smart UI component).
If you have access to the AnswerModules Module Suite, it’s simple to create a Smart UI representation that is user-friendly, ergonomic, and customizable.
In the screenshots below, you can see the native view in Classic UI
and here an example of a Smart UI view using Module Suite, where you can clearly see (in the panel to the right) the milestones and the tasks they consist of, along with the display of relevant statuses and metadata.
The component is dynamic, updating as statuses and metadata change, and can of course be customized as you prefer.
Here, a zoomed-in view on the single panel.
To provide a seamless experience, using the buttons of the milestones, Task Lists, and Tasks component, users can access panels through which they can interact with the system to complete their tasks without leaving their current context. This is done using sliding panels rather than reloading the page or redirecting to new pages, as shown in the image below
Everything is built on Smart Pages and Beautiful WebForms by leveraging the Module Suite, and can be implemented from scratch in less than half a day. Alternatively, it can be reused from other projects, as the code is easily portable.
Hope this helps,
Jacopo Malnati
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