Abort workflow using REST API
Hello Experts,
We have a custom application that is integrating with Documentum using REST APIs. This custom application is launching a workflow in Documentum using REST API.
Due to some issue, business might want to terminate the workflow from custom application. I am looking for API that I can use to abort the workflow so that all tasks are removed from user's inbox.
Also another question - if I update the value of r_runtime_state = 4 of the workflow using query to terminate the workflow will it remove all the tasks from user's inbox.
Documentum Server - 22.4
REST Services - 16.7.1
Best Answer
As a general rule, NEVER update r_ attributes directly : r_ stands for read-only and such attributes are updated by the server in response to API calls.
Documentum REST 16.x doesn't have any workflow related resources. This was introduced in REST 20.2 if I'm not mistaken. So first you will need to upgrade REST, for example to 22.4 (or higher if you prefer). Then, have a look at the workflow resource : there is an action called ABORT which should do what you want.
As a general rule, NEVER update r_ attributes directly : r_ stands for read-only and such attributes are updated by the server in response to API calls.
Documentum REST 16.x doesn't have any workflow related resources. This was introduced in REST 20.2 if I'm not mistaken. So first you will need to upgrade REST, for example to 22.4 (or higher if you prefer). Then, have a look at the workflow resource : there is an action called ABORT which should do what you want.
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Actually I had checked REST 16.4. As it turns out, workflow services were added in 16.7. Thanks for pointing out.
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