Category attribute update content server 21.4
Hi, if you have the Module Suite, you can create a content script that updates the category as Admin.
Content Script supports the execution of a script impersonating specific users.This configuration applies for both:
- scripts explicitly executed by users
- scripts executed by the system (scheduled, workflow steps, callbacks, etc…)
The “Run As” configuration panel is accessible within the Specific > Advanced Settings tab or from the Content Script Editor in the Administration tab (if visible).
In order to be able to perform a “Run As” configuration, a user must have impersonation privileges.
Be careful, though, because in this case, the audit will show that the action was performed by the admin, and there will be no evidence of who actually requested the category update. For this reason, at AnswerConsulting, we usually create our own custom audit to have a proper record of everything.
In any case, here’s how you can update the category value in a content script with just a few lines of code
I hope it was helpful!
Let me know
Best regards
AS2 -
this is what @Alfonso Scoppetta was previously referring to
"Be careful, though, because in this case, the audit will show that the action was performed by the admin, and there will be no evidence of who actually requested the category update. For this reason, at AnswerConsulting, we usually create our own custom audit to have a proper record of everything."
We usually create our own audit events and then quickly create a views that provide users with the full spectrum of audit on these nodes: the out of the box and the custom one.
In the image below, you can see it in a component on the right, and as you can tell, almost all the events are custom, enriched with visual and contextual information
In the second screenshot, you see it in the middle, within another perspective
In the third, it’s in a context similar to the first one, on the right.
Many of these events are generated by impersonating the administrator for technical reasons, which is why creating custom audit events tied to the out-of-the-box events can help recreate the correct history.
I’ve seen consultants in the past modify the user associated with audit events directly in the database, and I strongly advise against it. Not only is it a bad practice, but it would also void the client’s warranty on the product, stop maintenance, and likely jeopardize your partnership with OpenText.
Jacopo Malnati
1 -
be careful with escalation of access as it there is an issue and you dont revoke it, then the user retains the higher access which may be an issue for some customers.
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