Need further information on Fax Gamma Code descriptions
Could you please provide further clarification on the following Fax response Gamma code descriptions based on the question for each gamma code:
3290 - Question: What action on recipient side will trigger this error?
5131 - Question: What is an invalid doc_list document number?
5140 - Question: What are the valid and invalid character?
5141 - Question: What is meant by more than 1 extension specified?
5142 - Question: What does extension parenthesis mismatch mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
5144 - Question: What does Extension not specified mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
5165 - Question: What does Contact info missing mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
5170 - Question: What does Extension is not supported for this delivery type mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
9603 - Question: What is the actual Fax Page count limit?
9604 - Question: What is the actual Document Size limit?
Different CORE processes are involved in generating the above gamma codes.
3290 - Question: What action on recipient side will trigger this error?
The delivery LGCs only use this code:
The recipient opted out during the call. When OptOut feature is enabled and a human presses DTMF # in response to the voice prompt, the recipient’s address is going to be blocked from future deliveries.
5131 - Question: What is an invalid doc_list document number?
XDDS lets you specify recipients in many ways. You can specify them directly in a job, or specify the name of a list stored within XDDS, etc. One way, usually not accessible to the user, is to store the list in an XDDS document and specify the document number. This error occurs when you specify an invalid document number when trying to use this type of “doc list”
5140 - Question: What are the valid and invalid character?
This error only applies when the recipient’s phone number includes an extension, e.g., “1-732-389-3900 x1234”. The extension can contain both the extension number and a “dial script” to handle things like dialing delays. In that case, you can separate the dial script from the extension number by putting the extension number in parentheses, like “1-732-389-3900x(1234)”. When putting the extension in parentheses, the extension must not contain the characters ‘a’, ‘A’, ‘b’, ‘B’, ‘c’, ‘C’, ‘d’, ‘D’, ‘*’, ‘#’ , or ‘[‘. If it does, then a 5140 error is generated.
5141 - Question: What is meant by more than 1 extension specified?
In the phone number syntax described for 5140, you can only have one extension specified in parentheses. So, for example, a number like 1-732-389-3900x(123)(456) is illegal because it specifies extension numbers ‘123” and ‘456’
5142 - Question: What does extension parenthesis mismatch mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
It means there was a ‘)’ character in the extension without a corresponding ‘(‘ character. For example: “1-732-389-3900 x33)”
5144 - Question: What does Extension not specified mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
This may be an obsolete error code. It would appear to mean that a number like “1-732-389-3900x” is invalid, but I can’t find that error in our source code the example number is treated as valid.
5165 - Question: What does Contact info missing mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
This relates to an obsolete address type called “contacts.” I believe it is no longer used and can be ignored.
5170 - Question: What does Extension is not supported for this delivery type mean? Can you please provide a further explanation.
This error occurs when you provide a number with an extension, like “1-732-389-3900x1234”, when an SMS, RCS, WhatsApp, or iMessage message. Phone numbers with extensions are only supported with voice and fax messages.
960x are trial account related
9603 – Indicates that the current (fax) job’s payload has too many pages.
9604 – Indicates that the current (sms or email) job’s payload is too large
Below are the sample values that are configured in the switch. To know the exact values in Prod environment please contact support
maxfaxpages : 10
maxemailsize : 1048576
maxsmssize : 16384
maxPNsize : 0
maxRCSsize : 0
maxIMSGsize : 0
maxWAPPsize : 0
Prabhakaran R
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