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Final status callback not received for gamma code: 5000 - State: cancelled
For production account, when invoking the endpoint for sending a fax, the webhook callback API registered for final fax status updates is not being invoked when the final state is 'cancelled' and gamma code is 5000. For all other final…
Urgent need to increase the font size of the Notes/Comments section in fax cover sheet.
Our team urgently needs to increase the font size of the Notes/Comments section on the fax cover sheet to improve readability of clinical drug information for our physicians. What would be the process of updating the font size of the fax cover sheet? Please let me know.
Fax callback API with incorrect Content_Type
ID is configured at the account level for a callback API with application/json format. This functionality is working. However, for job_id xsi-1507269286, the content_type of the callback api request payload is text/xml;charset=UTF-8, which is causing the callback response to not be processed. The…
Need further information on Fax Gamma Code descriptions
Could you please provide further clarification on the following Fax response Gamma code descriptions based on the question for each gamma code: 3290 - Question: What action on recipient side will trigger this error? 5131 - Question: What is an invalid doc_list document number? 5140 - Question: What are the valid and…
How to modify the font settings of a fax cover sheet?
Hello everyone. We are trying to change the font size of the Notes/Comment field in the fax cover sheet. A while back, we were given the impression that the font settings (i.e. font size) could be manipulated through the Send Faxes API but when reviewing the API, I do not see any mentioning of manipulating the font in the…
Using the REST API, Can a fax status update be returned via webhook callback and email.
Our team is looking to get a report sent to the email id if passed in the request payload of the REST API fax request. We expect the webhook callback URL call (Json) and Email (user friendly format) in this scenario. Please let us know if this is not a right understanding of how the reports will work. For example: The…
Invoking API to send fax and receivve response
I want to send fax to third parties using an API call. We would send destination number and fax body in API and return the success/failure response. Want to know if we can programmatically call this API to send request to send fax and get response back. Below is the URL of OpenText Messaging Fax REST API.
(Outbound) JobsubmitResult & OpenText Messaging Fax REST API : Missing Response
Hi All the jobsubmitResult from SOAP is having Submissiontime and Completiontime, but the FAX REStAPI is sending only the job submitid, it is not sending any Submissiontime and completiontime. Please help Soap API Response…
Is Cloud Fax and RightFax the same?
I am currently trying to learn how to send a fax via api. And based on opentext documentation I only saw CloudFax. But I read rightfax also has an api. Are the two just the same? if not, what are they differences? I hope someone can help me for this. Thanks
Issue with Callback endpoint
There seems to be a bug based on your documentation: "When the callback URL is set via either of these methods, OpenText messaging service will POST the final fax status as application/json to this end point. The schema is the same as in the response from "Get fax status" method except that the values of "job_state"…
How to get JobDeliveryStatus Response?
Please share how I can hit the JobDeliveryStatus in either PHP or NodeJS so that I can fetch email bounces in our CRM. We are unable to understand the documentation and the code we have written is not fetching us any results so far. Let me know how we could use the SOAP API here otherwise provide us with easier REST…
API for Activity Report
Looking to pull the Activity Report using an API as opposed to manually through the portal but not finding an available API to do this. Does someone know of one that is available to complete this?
Migrating from EasyLink SOAP to REST
Hi all, I would like to migrate from using the easylink SOAP APIs to the REST APIs. We are using easylink apis to send faxes. Can we use the same account credentials to use the Cloud Fax Rest APIs? Where can we find the documentation, as well, how do we setup the webhook/callback capability?
Where can I edit the email every time I send fax?
I am new on opentext, and I'm just wondering why do I receive an email every sent of fax? The subject of the email is like "Delivery Report <job id>" something like this. Hopefully someone can help me to understand this. Thank you
Podcast - Amplify development via Notifications and Cloud Fax services
OpenText Developer Cast Amplify the development of custom cloud fax, sms and email notification services on your business, mobile or web applications via the integrations of powerful APIs. Click here to listen More information for developing with cloud fax and notifications Start your trial today!
Podcast - Amplify development via Notifications and Cloud Fax services
OpenText Developer Cast Amplify development of custom cloud fax, sms and email notification services on your business, mobile or web applications via the integrations of powerful APIs. Listen
Postman collection for Cloud Fax and Notifications
OpenText CloudFax and Notifications consists of a collection of APIs used by customers to send faxes, emails, sms and check the delivery status of them. The APIs are based on REST architecture with JSON schema representation. The URIs are easily understood and resource-based. We abide by the standards of HTTP, using the…
Trial Evaluation Agreement for Cloud fax and Notifications Developer Plans
Trial Evaluation Agreement The terms and conditions governing this Agreement are as follows: 1. Cloud fax and/or Notifications Services. Open Text will provide Fax2Mail and/or Notifications services (the “Services”) to Developer, as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, during the trial evaluation period set forth in…
Quick start guide for cloud fax and notifications trial subscribers
Get a test account by signing up for a free trial for "cloud fax and notifications developer plans" at Plans | Developer | OpenText How to submit a request to send a fax? Here is the curl sample to submit a request to send a fax with a text file with basic authentication (user name and password). curl -H "Content-Type:…
Fax REST API Quick Start Guide
Faxing remains a universal method of secure document delivery with billions of faxes sent every year. While it’s the foundation of secure communications for healthcare, government, manufacturing and other industries, traditional faxing has limitations, such as maintaining fax hardware, telephony infrastructure, lack of…