Urgent need to increase the font size of the Notes/Comments section in fax cover sheet.

Our team urgently needs to increase the font size of the Notes/Comments section on the fax cover sheet to improve readability of clinical drug information for our physicians.
What would be the process of updating the font size of the fax cover sheet?
Please let me know.
Best Answer
Customer support can help you on the adjusting font size of fax coversheet. It depends on the profile configuration and type of cover sheet you are using. Raising a support request to our customer support team will solve this problem
Prabhakaran R
This forum is for Cloud Fax and notifications and it does not provide process of updating the font size of fax cover sheet. If the query is related to Right Fax. Please raise support request.
Prabhakaran R
OpenText1 -
Customer support can help you on the adjusting font size of fax coversheet. It depends on the profile configuration and type of cover sheet you are using. Raising a support request to our customer support team will solve this problem
Prabhakaran R
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