Fax2mail api question - receive fax via PUSH.

joshmachnik New User
edited February 18 in Core Messaging #1

Hello. First of all, I'm new to the forums and don't fully understand all of the product names (Core messaging, Cloud Edition, Thrust, etc.). I opened a support case and they directed me here. We've been using Fax2mail for about 6 years for basic inbound/outbound faxing, mostly via email and some sftp delivery. I now have a request from our developers to see if we can connect to fax2mail via API, but specifically to receive inbound faxes via 'push'. I do see documentation on Fax REST API Quick Start Guidesending faxes via REST api, the ability check fax status, and i believe we can 'pull' faxes via etc. but can't find any information on receiving incoming faxes via push. Is this at all possible, and if so, could someone point me to the right documentation?

thanks in advance