External Id on document creation in version 16.6.3

Hi there.

I realized, while retrieving tracking information on a document an "externalid" is also delivered next to the "trackerid" in the returned json structure.

Request URL (GET):


Response body:


    "status": "success",

    "data": [


            "containedtypes": [




            "expiringtime": "2021-11-26T14:40:08.130Z",

            "lastupdatetime": "2021-11-26T13:40:08.140Z",

            "trackerid": "32056E7B-2F78-1D44-AF3F-FD6E61E89AC3",

            "statusmessage": "",

            "resultval": "0",

            "externalid": "",

            "creationtime": "2021-11-26T13:40:07.270Z",

            "applicationdomainid": "salesforce",

            "sequencenumber": "3244",

            "processingstate": "5"




My question is: How can I set such an externalid while creating a document through the Communications API so that I can filter the above query for it afterwards (i.e.: ...?where_externalid=<my_external_id>))?

I couldn't find anything related to it in the documentation. I tried to set externalid as e header as well as a property in the body's json content while posting the document generation with Postman but no success.

Thanks, Stefano


  • We got told that setting an externalId in the "content" structure of the JSON payload is not sufficient. Differently to the Cloud Native, we also need some scripting on the Exstream side extracting the passed externalId by using the GetHTTPHeaderValue function and setting its value with SetExtJobID.