How to change workflow atttribute values
Sorry, I am quite new in OT, and need your help with the following question.
It is requested to change the value of the drop-down menu in the workflow attribute, but I can not find where the mapping was done. I checked almost all available config menus, classification and categories, unfortunately could not get success.
Thanks your inputs in advance.
Best Answer
this screen is for setting which attributes appear at that specific step, the main list is on the Map -> Attributes menu item.
I would recommend that you follow the online docs which cover this at a high level or perhaps the workflow course ( among others to get a better understanding of the solution, some of your co workers may be able to help too.
If its a Workflow Attribute, then it will be on the Attributes tab of the Workflow Map.
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this screen is for setting which attributes appear at that specific step, the main list is on the Map -> Attributes menu item.
I would recommend that you follow the online docs which cover this at a high level or perhaps the workflow course ( among others to get a better understanding of the solution, some of your co workers may be able to help too.
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also worth checking out the Workflow and Forms forum rather than the general forum if you have any other questions -
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