EasyLink Messaging AddressBlockRetrieve Opt-Out
I am currently developing an SMS Opt-Out component to one of our features.
I am sending an AddressBlockRetrieveRequest with a blockstore value of MR, blocklevel with types customer and user along with a date range. I am utilitizing the AddressBlockRetrieve service by passing in the request and assigning the resulting value to a AddressBlockRetrieveResult. I am receiving an array of length 3 (which seems to be correct after using the portal to determine how many addresses are currently blocked), however when I log the output I am seeing the following:
["OTNotificationAPI.EMsgAPI_AddressBlockRetrieve_201101.BlockRetrieveInfoType", "OTNotificationAPI.EMsgAPI_AddressBlockRetrieve_201101.BlockRetrieveInfoType", "OTNotificationAPI.EMsgAPI_AddressBlockRetrieve_201101.BlockRetrieveInfoType"]
Am I missing something so that I can see the addresses rather than the types?
Please share us the request , response and the code to analyze further
Prabhakaran R
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