CS Mobile Logs In but has blank pages and throws errors (Using AppWorks Gateway)
Hello everyone, for a POC we wanted to configure the Content Server Mobile App, for this we had one Azure VM with OTCS 21.4 and OTDS 21.3 on Tomcat 9, and another Azure VM with Tomcat 9 & AppWorks Gateway 22.1 (Both on Windows Server 2019, Non-SSL Environment).
I followed thoroughly the official AWG Documentation on Installation & Configuration (https://webapp.opentext.com/piroot/csmob/v220200/csmob-cgd/en/html/jsframe.htm?mob-agate-config & the 92 Pgs. PDF on the Installation Guide)
I managed to install the CS Mobile App on AWG, deployed it, and following the documentation, created a Proxy Rule & enabled it:
(I believe the Issue might be here, but I don't know what to change exactly)
I placed for the External OTCS URL the format http://DNS_NAME_OTCS_VM:8080 and for the Gateway External URL I have the format http://DNS_NAME_OTAG_VM:8080.
All in all, I used the http://DNS_NAME_OTAG_VM:8080 as the Gateway Server URL in the Mobile App Configuration, it connected, from there it prompted me to the Login Page, where I logged in as the otadmin account that has access to the OTAG resource in OTDS through the access role.
After I login, the page immediately switches to the Offline page of the App (The Docs said to enable offline access), and when I pull the side menu and click on the "Favourites", it gives me this error:
So the app is really not functional, and I guess it's because of the Proxy Rule?
Other settings that I have:
Also, running: http://DNS_NAME_OTAG_VM:8080/v3/admin/auth/loginurl gives me the result:
Any help from here would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! 😀
Try it on an android or a android emulator and it may work.I never could get it to work on iOS.
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Hello @Appu Nair, I have an Android Device - Galaxy Note 10, and it does this weird stuff..
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I used this to configure in our azure environment it was very helpful
since the architecture is way too confusing a step by step approach is good
I didn't find any of that easy but perseverance paid off
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I uninstalled & installed the program following the Case Study thoroughly, I still have the same problem.
Right now I'm talking with OT Support as well, if there's any feedback on their part and I can get the AWG to work I will provide the information here as well.
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Hello @Appu Nair.
I managed to make the CS Mobile App work through the AW Gateway.
Here is the solution! I tried more combinations for the URL that I use in my proxy for Content Server, I thought very hard about how the apps are communicating with each other since they are on 2 separate VMs with 2 Tomcat Instances.
I managed to see that using the URL: http://VM_DNS_NAME:8080/otcs/llisapi.dll did not work if I tried to access it from the AWG VM, but by removing the 8080 port, it worked, and so I made some changes to the Proxy Configuration.
I basically removed the 8080 port, I have Tomcat on both VMs on the 8080 port.
I saved the configuration, enabled the proxy, restarted tomcat, accessed the CS App on my Phone and then it worked!
I think the issue was that when I access the OTCS Server via Proxy, it already inherits the 8080 port? And if I have it used in the URL Mapping it is added twice for the request? I’m not exactly sure…
But now it works fine, I hope it is stable, after this Forum Post my whole gateway kind of crashed, it returned a 401 error, but I reinstalled it and deployed CS Mobile App 22.1 instead of 22.2.
The whole situation was very confusing to me because in every possible documentation they mention to add server_name:port in the Proxy URL Mapping, I never thought that not using the port would work.
For people that might go through this exact issue, here is my system configuration:
2 Azure VMs with Windows Server 2019, Apache Tomcat 9.052 on both of them running on Port 8080, first VM has OTCS 21.4 and OTDS 21.3, second VM has AWG 22.1, each VM has an SQL Server 2017 for the databases, the phone mobile app is the latest version as of July 2022, 8080 ports are opened and Tomcat is whitelisted for the Firewall.
I hope this will help others, thanks!
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either it is a typo or something of that kind
you have this URL http://VM_DNS_NAME:8080/otcs/llisapi.dll
the factor I am pointing out is llisapi.dll is a IIS Filter Tomcat cannot run IIS Filters so for Tomcat livelink deployments it is the livelink.exe or cs.exe being served by tomcat. Only Windows Servers running IIS have llisapi.dll
Good you made that all work. I lost interest once android worked... what a frustrating product...
in my case I had IIS on port 4040 so that I could run the llisapi.dll, our organizations serves CS(livelink) through TC but just to get this POC(?*) working I put a IIS server on port 4040
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