Document "File Properties" tab information source
Hello, I'm preparing a report that must contain the information listed in the "File Properties" tab, which is listed under the properties of a word, pdf, or excel sheet, and I can't find the source of this page, so I'd like to know if this information is stored somewhere in the database or if it is read directly from the document props.
Thank you in advance.
Best Answer
if you are talking about OTCS or Content Server when you click File Properties Oscript code in the DPS Ospace reaches out and grabs the file and then reads the properties dynamically . It is currently not stored in any place in SQL.
This is the reason why OT asks you to create a DPS Binding so you can copy them into Categories at which point you can kind of say that File Property is in the Category.
if you are talking about OTCS or Content Server when you click File Properties Oscript code in the DPS Ospace reaches out and grabs the file and then reads the properties dynamically . It is currently not stored in any place in SQL.
This is the reason why OT asks you to create a DPS Binding so you can copy them into Categories at which point you can kind of say that File Property is in the Category.
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Thank you for the clear reply, I've checked this yesterday and replaced the stored document in the archive (dat file) and unfortunatley found that the information in this tab is changed, so its not stored in DB and not retreivable
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Opentext content server does not store office document's properties info. objAction=ViewFileProperties will call oScript to read office document info. If you do not intend to do in the same way, then you can consider following:
- you can use document's extension to determine whether it is office relevant documents.
- webreport to call external programs to send back property info or create REST API that helps you retrieve office documents properties. For example, using aspose that supports java with office file properties retrieval. you can refer to
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@**** yueting Thanks for your reply,
I've done one scenario which is to replace the document in the storage and yes I've found that the information was changed so its reading the information directly from the doc prop.
but the idea is that I have one customer who has more than 20M document and he want to extract excel sheet containing basic information (doc name, size, creation date, …) + number of pages which is not stored in the DB.
so I've suggested to use external DB client to do this as the LiveReport has limitation and will not be able to return this huge data, and my role was to support with the needed SQL Query to get these information but finally we have done this without adding the doc prop. information.
Thanks all for your help, wishing that opentext is going to store these information somewhere in the future.
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