RM REST API operations doesn't work with RM Classifications of Related Business workspaces.
I am trying to Get/add/remove RM classification applied on "Related Business workspaces" using Records Management REST API. However I receive an "error": "Could not process object, type 'Related Business Workspaces' has no role 'rmclassifications'".
From Web, I am able to add and remove RM Classification on this object but through APIs it gives me above error. My understanding was if we can do some thing from web, we should be able to do the same via API as well but obviously I am wrong.
I am using Admin user in API as well as web, so definitely not a permission issue. Content Server version is 16.2.4.
Has anyone encountered this issue? And any idea, how can we resolve this issue?
Hi Does anybody have resolution of this issue ? I'm getting the same issue. In web rm_classification is working fine but while trying to assign rm_classification via rest api getting same error.
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I want it working in Related Workspaces only.
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so if you go to classic and go to a Related Workspace object does it allow you to apply a RM Classification. Note the menu is confusing you have to be on the tab for RM classifications and then use "Browse Classifications" to do that. Does that all work? If that does not work you have to check in the admin.index main classification area for "Managed Types".Since OT has thousands of subtypes OT tests and certifies only commonly used ones so if you don't see that type add it there and attempt the rest API.
PS:I did not test this but that is how non-popular subtypes were added to RM classifications and if need be similar command for ordinary classifications
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Yes, I've added my subtype in 'Managed Objects' in classification area. Then I'm able to assign classification in web UI, but still rest api is giving error.
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I've tried with postman and getting this error.
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I'm trying to apply RM Classification to be subtype, I've added my subtype in admin.index and after that I'm able to apply RM Classification to the Subtype in web UI but rest api still gives error. Sorry for the confusion.
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I’m trying to understand why you want to use RM on the related workspaces folder. None of the RM actions you apply to that folder you will be able to apply to the related workspaces themselves.
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