Blazon fail to convert part of word files to PDF until restart the IGC services

The Content server version is 16.2.1. There's a customized webreport sub-tag to call blazon to convert word to pdf and add banner/watermark (oscript). This sub-tag works good for many years.
But recently it meets problem. For example, there were more than 20 workflows using this sub-tag to convert file. Nearly half of them were failed. If restarting blazon services, no problems with the workflow PDF converting after that. Several weeks later, the issue happened again. I don't know what triggers the problem and can't reproduce it artificially.
There's only a few error info in blazon like Printer not installed(0x004C). More than 10 files were not converted to PDF successfully, but there is only one file with error message. And this document with the error message itself does not have any special place, manually click the SendtoBlazon button can be successfully converted to PDF.
Another thing is there're some error messages in /threads_log/distributeagent.out like "ERROR: distributeagenterror —— Node no longer exists"
Does anyone who knows more about Blazon know what might be causing this problem?
Their use of sub-tags instead of the publishing step is due to the fact that there are banner messages with dynamic content attached to document specific pages. Publish Blazon step don't meet this very well. In addition, let me tease this Blazon Publish step, sometimes it will turn the PDF but the workflow does not continue to go down, stuck in the Publish step.
I'm very confused by “Printer not installed(0x004C)” error message.
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