Help Needed: Missing MESSAGECENTERMOBILE Software Module Error
Hello everyone,
I am currently facing an issue with my software setup and would appreciate any assistance or guidance from the community.
I am encountering the following error message after installing the 24.4 Content Server version
Thank you in advance for your help! Any advice or pointers would be immensely helpful as I try to resolve this issue.
Best Answer
One surprising aspect I see is in your screencap it says CE24.4 according to OT should only come out in the 4th quarter of 2024 ie October 2024 perhaps it is a typo but click on the about and see if it resembles something more correct
I recently built this one which is kind of the top out there and it is as expected 24.2 and it has the module that your version is missing.
Are you an OT employee in an alpha or beta program?
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Appu is correct, its connected to Notification Center. This would not affect any released software or customers. I've reached out with steps on how to correct this issue.
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No, 24.4 isn't released yet and won't be until the usual time. It was an internal build that will eventually become 24.4 that the developer was using. I think they meant to ask the question in an internal capacity and not the public forum which deals with released software.
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