Error - The sub-location path is invalid while creation a workspace
Hi All,
While trying to create workspaces using ECM_LINK API I am getting an error - Client received SOAP Fault from server: The sub-location path '[5295648:Country]\[5295648:LegalEntity]\Customers\[5295650:CustomerID:(6)]' is invalid. Check the workspace type configuration or contact your administrator. (\Services\OpenText\ContentServer\Logs\csdfs, thread 3) Please see the server log to find more detail regarding exact cause of the failure.
I have checked all the settings and permissions but it seems it just doesn't allow us to create workspaces. Kindly help - here is my java code snippet where I am setting the parameters and passing it to create workspaces -
SimpleWorkspace testworkspace = new SimpleWorkspace();
long workspacenodeID = ECMlink.createSimpleWorkspace(testworkspace);
Maybe you need to pass the attribute values (Country,LegalEntity,CustomerID) for your categories with id 5295648,5295650? The way I see that the workspace would get created under the folder hierarchy generated using the pattern specified in Sub Location Path but is unable to find it the path.
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Hi Vishal,
Is there any sample Java code available on knowledgebase to create workspaces using ECMLink? It will be really helpful.
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SOAPUI and calling the WSDL will be the best way to understand ECMLink.I use that for different XECM functions. These are JAX-WS services so creating a java Client will closely follow the standard way of accepting a WSDL and downloading local proxies. The Getting Started with Java link here (This is for Content Webservices and not ECMLink) can be used with the ECMLink wsdl as well.
I have always used CreateorUpdateWorkspaces call as I think the simpleworkspace call is for non leading app based calls not sure.
I think the paid version of SoapUI has a Java stub provision much like Postman has that shows different code syntax.
I chanced this on searching perhaps may work as it says it is JAX-WS compliant -
Hi Appu,
I am also using ECMLink wsdl, however I do not see any way out for creating workspaces using createorUpdateworkspace since ECMlink methods do not provide any for setting properties of objects or catgeories, I have followed the same path as in CWS where I built utility for bulk document upload and now I am trying for bulk workspace creation but its really frustrating to make way out ECMlink webservice as it is not providing complete methods. Are there any existing sample programs that are for real used to create workpsaces in Content server using Java?
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