In Content Server it is possible to define one or more 'Categories', and within each 'Category' one or more 'Attributes'. Next to the 'User Friendly' name of these attributes (such as 'DocumentNumber' or 'Organization'), these attributes also get technical names such as 'Attr_60633_2' or 'Attr_69320_3'.
When you want to query for documents via API, using these 'Attributes', I understand that you can only do that by using the 'Technical name'. However, where the attribute 'DocumentNumber' may have a technical name 'Attr_60633_2' in the 'Dev' environment, it is very likely that is has a very different technical name in de 'Test' environment. For example 'Attr_49202_2'.
This would mean that code that has been realized, will work on the 'Dev' environment, but won't work on 'Test' after it has been rolled out on 'Test'.
I have searched for a post on this forum that covers this topic, but have not found it.
My question is: is there a possibility to query these documents via API, using the 'User Friendly' names? Or is there another possibility to avoid this issue?