Web API for RightFax 21.2
We are upgrading Rightfax with version 21.2, earlier we were using version 10.6. In newer version 21.2 we are planning to integrate send/receive fax using web API. We have installed RightFaxSDK to integrate send/receive fax functionality.
To use the API methods when we access the RightfaxSDK API url (http://localhost/RightFaxSdk/API), its showing the API method names in href url like:
"Href": "http://localhost/RightFaxSdk/API/SendJobs?userId=1".
However we are unable to find out any documentation for all methods like 'sendjobs', 'documents' etc.
Can anybody please suggest appropriate documentation for RightfaxSDK web API methods?
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi there,
Our RightFax SDK and API documentation is available here in My Support.
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Its very helpful for us. Thanks for sharing.
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@D W , please click here to upgrade your OpenText Connect account to include "My Support access"
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I know this is a little bit late but have you tried just adding "/help" to the end of the url? You can try downloading and then install the sdk on machine but usually that same /help documentation is already installed on the rightfax server itself.
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