Hi There,
I am assisting a customer with an issue. The issue appears to be that when Content Server is under load (say a lot of cases are being created) there are circumstances where:
- A Workspace will be created but the xecm__BusinessObjectWorkspace__c along with the data is not recorded.
- There is no hard error
- There is a record in the logs that there was a time-out.
This leaves the solution in a situation where values in the number of xecm__BusinessObjectWorkspace__c objects in Salesforce do not match what is being recorded in the ECMLINK_WKSP_UNION view in Content Servers db.
At the moment the plan is to have an agent that will query this view and upsert the delta on a continual basis to Salesforce - but it seems that this might be a gap that is better served being solved within the solution.
I am wondering if other people have seen this issue before.
Matthew Barben