With Content Server 22.2 could not add service reference for ContentService webservice url in VS
With Content Server 22.2 and Visual studio 2019, I could not add service reference for ContentService URL.
Error from VS attched (Capture1.JPG, Capture2.JPG).
Other Webservice URLs works fine in both VS and in browser(Authentication, MemberService etc).
Only ContentService URL not working in VS even though no error in browser.
(Please note when we used CS 16.2.5 the URLs were able to be consumed in VS(including ContentService wsdl) After upgrade to 22.2 version, we see this error for Content Server wsdl only. )
Screenshot attached. Please check and let me know your suggestions.
kind of difficult to say but this is how I would have attempted to troubleshoot.
- Keeping aside VS problems does the URL to the wsdl result in a fully formed document when running in your browser?
- Did you or the administrator responsible for setting up the cws website remember to enable SSL and others? because I see a https URL.OT comments the https setting for default but since you say the others work perhaps that endpoint wasn't done.... If point 1 works then I wouldn't check this
- in IIS when you add anything the default authentication mode is IWA, that mode is not liked by https or for that matter REST api and others because OT wants the auth to come from OTDS "the man in the middle app" they have created so I would have checked if the cws site was anonymous as well. The directive on SSL for Contentservice is marked credentialtype=none(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/feature-details/transport-security-with-an-anonymous-client)
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if I were to debug this would be what I would do.
- Check if offending URL in https mode shows as a fully formed Document in your browser
- Check if the offending WS has the SSL endpoint uncommented this is done on Web dot Config
- Check if the cws Virtual directory/application is not IWA .
PS I found why OT deleted my comment it did not like web period config once I made that web dot config to convey what I was trying to convey it took it.I do not know why ot is putting certain terms etc. to watch for...What I got was a cloudfare warning of sorts....
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yes, it is fully formed, SSL part uncommented, and Anonymous authentication is enabled for CWS Virtual directory
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I am running into the exactly same issue, is there a solution for this? All service SSL web.config and I was able to access the authentication.svc and documentmanagement.svc, but not contentservice.svc.
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Hi Clifford,
I had raised a case (CS0050670) two years back. Please check if below suggestion by support works for you.
if not, I see I am using attached xml to configure and update service reference.
Please make sure you update the <servername> in xml file with your actual server details and provide path of this xml file in 'Address' field while adding service reference in Visual Studio.
Please try and let me know if it worked.
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