Hi all!
In the past i was working with my testsystem and everything was woking fine. I was able to create BWS via RestCalls with or without parent_id`s
According to the documentation an early BWS requires the parent_id and the late not
Example to create an early business workspace:
body={"parent_id":14180,"template_id":14183,"name":"John Doe","description":"Business Workspace of John Doe"}
Example to create a late business workspace:
body={"bo_id":"171971","bo_type_id":43, "template_id":14183,"name":"John Doe","description":"Business Workspace of John Doe","roles":{"rmclassifications":{"rmclassification_id":[276653],"status":"SECRET...SECRET","status_date": "2021-06-04T00:00:00","record_date": "2021-05-27T00:00:00","rsi": "TEST","official": true}, "categories":{"14177":{"14177_3":"Germany","14177_4":"High Tech"}}}}
I also did some checks in my template and the template is giving me back the parent ID.
Does anyone know what is wrong with my request, when using the late business workspace
As example it looks like this
"name":"Sample Name- 1902",
"description":"Some nodes - 1902",
"23744722_11":"Name and co"
This is the call i am using:
POST .../api/v2/businessworkspaces