Extended ECM - Business Workspace question
We are in the process of migrating our old templates and binders to business workspaces. For the most part, everything has been working smoothly. We have run into one small road block prior to moving forward in Production.
My question is: what do I have to edit, to allow my business workspace to create a new instance within another business workspace? Similar to Binders + Cases. We have migrated each binder and case to individual business workspaces templates.
For example, we have a Tax Returns business workspace template. Within those templates , we have individual Tax Year business workspace templates. While doing some QA, I wanted to add a new one (to mimic a tax user) as a new tax year, but I am not allowed to. I clearly did not set this template up correctly, but would like some pointers on where to go to fix this? I need to 'configure the template for the client'
Screenshot below should help. Thanks much in advance.
Plaese see my cheat sheet on here what you are missing is Classifications a.k.a Document Types in CS ?
func=doctemplates.configureDocTemplates if you go to admin.index and search for Configure Content Server Document Templates you will get it.IN CS/XECM a classification dedines what is matched so if a Classification called "Salary Slips" is put in the Templating area and if you get a Folder that has "Salary Slips" on its classifications there it will show.If your container is XECM worksapces you will put that on it as CS doesnt care if you have multiple classificationsWorkspace reference means either this has no Corresponding BO Provider(SAP,Maximo,SF,SF,MD and so on and so forth) and you are just using this as Connected Workspaces.If you had connected it to IBM Maximo then IBM Maximo would provide the majority of metadata that can be used in workspace creation
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You can also have a look at the hierarchical workspaces in the documentation.0
@appuq Are there best practices for structuring business workspace templates that can help avoid issues like the inability to create new instances, particularly when migrating from older systems like binders and cases?
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