Setting assignment to a project "Member" group

Content Server 20.4 - Folder triggered WebReport initiating a Workflow — how to set assignments to project Member group.
In a project I have a WR Trigger that starts an approval workflow and I want to set the reviewer task assignment to one of the project-specific groups. Furthermore, I want to do this within a project template so that all new projects get their own project-specific approval work.
Workflow assignments in projects do not have access to the project participant groups via normal user/group browse, the only project specific user/group I see is "Initiator". So, I created a user attribute, use that for the assignment and provide the attribute value from the triggered WR. I used "Nodeinfo:GROUPID" and it provided the Coordinators group —- that was almost great, except that I wanted the Members group. Unfortunately it does not appear possible to reassign a project folder's OwnerGroup :-(
The Member group is part of the "Assigned Access" on the folder and I can get access to that via PERMINFO:ASSIGNEDACCESS LIST:2 ASSOC:Name but
PERMINFO:ASSIGNEDACCESS LIST:2 ASSOC:ID fails, presumably because it isn't a valid sub-tag of the ASSOC. I don't know where to find the valid sub-tags for ASSOC as they relate to PERMINFO but sub-tags for PERMINFO itself suggest only the permission masks are available, not the ID of the user / group associated with it.
So, I was/am close to a solution but I'm a bit stuck now and hoping somebody has a bright idea of how I can assign a task within a workflow to a project's "Member" group either within a Content Server workflow, a triggered webreport, or perhaps an event script like "RM - Set Records Officer" so that the workflow doesn't change but a task assignment does depending on the project itself.
Hey Dave,
First up - you do know that the roadmap for Projects is that they'll be deprecated at some stage, replaced by Business Workspaces? Just saying….
That aside, here's a thought.
I'd err to using it rather than the document/object you're initiating the workflow for, though it may not make any difference.
Have a look at the WR tag NODEINFO:VOLUMEID, as described, I believe you should be able to use this to get the volume that the object you're interested in resides under - i.e. I would reasonably assume if I passed in the DataID of a document that resided under a project workspace, this would give me the ID (or negative ID) of the project workspace the item lives in.
Then using the volume ID, try using the PERMINFO tags to get the ID of the "Members" role.
e.g. [LL_REPTAG_DataID PERMINFO:ASSIGNEDACCESS LIST:2 ASSOC:RightID /], you may need to play with syntax.
Basically, the assumption here is that the workspace will always have the Members listed as the second item in the assigned access.
From there - I suspect you can follow your existing approach.
Note that this relies on the assumption about the order of the rights. Perhaps a more robust alternative would be to grab the PERMINFO, which is a LIST of ASSOCs. You'd then likely iterate over the list in your WebReport, checking each ASSOC and whether it has contains a key named "Name" equal to "Members" in the ASSOC, and if so, pull the RightID from that ASSOC. You'd then handle any error if the Members didn't exist - though I believe that shouldn't be case unless there's some other underlying issue.
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