Can't create a Document via Rest API
we are using the POST API /v2/nodes to create a Document on our Content Server. The body of our request is:
"type": 144,
"parent_id": 5627091,
"name": "example.txt",
"file": "UXVlc3RvIMOoIHVuIGZpbGUgZGkgZXNlbXBpbw=="
but we get the following error: "error": "An illegal attempt was made to upload a document".
We tried the base64 encode. The user has full permissions to create documents in the folder.
Can anyone help us? Thank you.
AFAIK I have not seen a working example of sending a file as base64 you could try posting a file using multipart/form-data that is how Nodes with initial Version and Further adding versions happen
In this post below, I have included how you can use SmartUI and then trace the payload of a File addition.
try to look at this post
There is some stuff being said it was perhaps a few days before
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