Migrate documents from ApplicationXtender to OTCS via xECM?
Is it possible to use OTCS xECM -OR- Appworks to migrate documents and metadata from ApplicationXtender?
If OTCS, what are some examples of the xECM Base URL and Application Server Endpoint?
Hi @micbak
It might be possible to migrate documents and metadata - but you are effectively performing your own extract, and transform and loading into Content Server either via Object Importer (if licensed), or API (REST or SOAP - REST API documentation is available in the API section of developer.opentext).
There are some solutions out there that might come close to managing this - the first one that comes to mind is Xillio which does have both AppXtender and Content Server connector (as well as offering migration as a service offerings as well).
Hope this helps
Matthew Barben
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