Fax callback API with incorrect Content_Type
ID edm.fax.dev@prudential.com is configured at the account level for a callback API with application/json format. This functionality is working.
However, for job_id xsi-1507269286, the content_type of the callback api request payload is text/xml;charset=UTF-8, which is causing the callback response to not be processed.
The document attached are part of xsi-1507269286 is "pdf" but the actual content of the pdf is invalid (not a valid pdf). In this case, the expectation is for the callback api request payload to be application/json containing an error status and gamma code.
Could you please investigate why the content_type of the callback API is being set incorrectly in this case?
Hi. Please try the request again and in case of failures kindly raise a support request for further investigation with the job details.
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I ran a request this morning, 11/4, and the issue is still occurring. Please see request: xsi-1726240139
The request included a TIFF document type which failed processing on the Open Text side ("fax": value changed to xxxxxxxxx in the following from the original valid value).
"job_id": "xsi-1726240139",
"entry_time": "2024-11-04T13:27:49.000Z",
"job_state": [
"deliveries": [
"ref_base64": "Sm9obiBEb2U=",
"fax": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"delivery_attempts": [
"state": "Cancelled",
"gamma_code": 5000,
"first_attempt": "2024-11-04T13:27:49.000Z",
"delivery_time": "2024-11-04T13:27:49.000Z",
"pages_delivered": 0
}The fax status callback API failed processing on my side due to an invalid content type: Content type 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8' not supported
The expected Content Type is application/json.
Will raise a support request accordingly.
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