WDK Ajax for Date Control
Hi All, Is it possible to control the behaviour of Date Control through Ajax? We need to disable/enable the date control based on certain conditions. We would like to use Ajax functionality to do that. When we called component class from ajax and set the control to disabled, the control is not being disabled. When we…
IRM error code
Hi, There is an errCode.xml file under the {Installation path}\EMC IRM Server\reports and the message for error code 224 is shown below: <error code="224"> <msg>Client [client name] version [version number] denied access due to explicit version exclusion.</msg> </error> However, I found that message for the code 224 from…
Script to delete PDF rendition from 800 document
Hi all, Can someone helps me to make a Script to delete PDF rendition from 800 documents in documentum. I already extract in .CSV the r_object_id of each pdf redition and the parent_id (The r_oject_id of the nativ word document). I have created and tested an dql query to just delete one: eg: delete dmr_content objects…
TaskManagementService getInput fails to return package content
I got a problem with getInput method from TaskManagementService, everytime I use this method to get package content, it throws this error --- Caused an ERROR org/exolab/castor/xml/schema/SimpleType javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: org/exolab/castor/xml/schema/SimpleType at…