Update using parameters
If I need to insert into a table, the following works well for text fields where single quotes (apostrophes) may be used: { Mstm.SelectSql(new MetastormDefault(),@INSERT INTO YOUR_TABLE (Column1,Column2) VALUES (@p1, @p2)", new QueryParameter("@p1",Local.Variable1), new QueryParameter("@p2",Local.Variable2) ); } Is there a…
which db to establish client server
can anybody tell me which db is required to establish provision bpa for client?
Multiple KE repositories
Hi I'm in the process os creating additional KE repositories. What SQL requirements are needed? Riyaad
Raising a flag from Subprocess that decides the routing in main process
Hi, I have used a Sub-Process into the Parent process. Inside the Sub-Process there is a flag which is raised on when stage started at archive stage. Flagged action associated to this flag resides in the parent process. "Flag used to invoke this action" property is set to the flag in subprocess. Still the flagged action…
How to set timer based on time of day instead of data change event.
I need to set a timer to run a process daily, when I create the timmer the only options is to run the process based on a data changing event. In my case, no data has changed so how would I trigger the process?
Metastorm Designer - integration with OpenText Content Server
I'm confused regarding the tools I have to place on my form in Designer. I have created an OTDS connection to my Content Server which authenticates OK. I have created a Business Object using my CS connection. I want to be able to select a document from my Content Server and add it as attachment to my form, so.... I've…
Is it possible to use stored procedure OUTPUT parameters from a C# server side script?
Hi! I wonder if it's possible to execute a stored procedure with an OUTPUT type parameter from C# server side script? If yes, what does the syntax look like? I really need a little example. I am using V9 SR1, SQL 2005, WS2003 Regards, /Henrik
Dropdown Tool not responding to database query
My dropdown list does not show any items from my database query. My grid and list tools are OK I have tried using a calculation (using a connection) and an sql statement in the "list options" property, but my dropdown is disabled at run time. Any suggestions please?
Pass FolderID as Paramater to Stored Procedure
I have been wrestling this one for a couple of days now and thought someone here might be able to help. I am trying to execute a stored procedure with a single parameter. I am able to pass through a number of variations without trouble but when I try to put through the FolderID or a number as long as the FolderID I get an…