Populating a textbox in v9 from an external app using Javascript
I am guess I probably know the answer to this having trawled through this and other forums and not found a solution but I thought I'd post just to clarify. Having seen another posting this week also it suggests the better practice now in 9.0 is to do this all within Metastorm and using an admin form but before starting…
Rendevous action stopped not working
The sub-process completes but remains at the its final archive stage when it should move forward back to the parent map through Rendevous stage. The Rendevous stage does have sub-process map selected in its property. Only one submap involved in the forward move. This forward movement was working in the development…
Accent marks in the description of an email
I have the following email address "Mónica Jones" <-removed-> The following line of code produces an index outside of array bounds error where that address is set in MailCC or MailTo Mstm.SendEmail(MailTo,MailCC,"",MailSubject,MailBody,"",MailFrom); If I run the code with a email that does not contain an accent mark in the…
Error on DBwrite activity
Hi all, I have upgraded my environment from 6.0 to 6.6, When i starting my workflow my first activity is DB write and I am getting follwing error. oracle.i18n.text.converter.CharacterConverterOGS.getInstance(I)Loracle/i18n/text/converter/CharacterConverter; in Process Template: 'Indus_Opex_Approval-ConsultancySep_Mar12' -…
eRaisedFlag. Causing Performance issues HELP!
Hi all, Im after some advice on Flagged data. I have two processes linked together by Flag actions... * The end user updates one process which in turn raises a flag in a separate process. The flag is applied via a loopback on a common action applied to multiple stages.. With the option of "Anyfolder" This impacts the web…