v90 Form width and height
hi is max width and height of designing form is restricted to screen resolution?
SSO with multiple engines
Is anyone running multiple 9.0.3 engines and using SSO? I have two engines set up and changed the configuration to use both engines but it still only uses one. It works fine when I'm not using SSO. Does anyone know if there is some special configurations I have to make to use multiple engines with SSO.
Promoted functions fail if the Project name is a prefix of the Library name
Say we have a Project called MyProject. We then want some lookups, but do not want to keep them in the Project in case we need to change them later. We create a Library called MyProjectLookups. In it we have a class called Lookups with the required functions. That seems very sensible to me. When you use any promoted…
Having trouble editing Administration Forms?
I opened the Browser Settings form from the \Program Files\Metastorm\BPM\Administrative Tools\Administrative Processes folder and found that I could only open it in read only mode. The issue was that under Windows 7 you can apparently only open files in the Program Files folder as Read Only. If you want to change them, you…
Metastorm BPM 9.0.3 Hotfix 8 (
Product: Metastorm BPM Release: 9.0 SR3 Hotfix: 9.0.3****.****8 Affected Components: Metastorm Web Client Purpose of the hotfix: This cumulative hotfix addresses the following new issue: * In Admin forms, refill causes BPM to terminate abnormally if the form is closed and then opened again when using an external link. For…
default order in grid?
Is it possible to define a default order to a grid? Thanks in advance...