6.1.1 6.1.3 with 6.2 License
Possible to open previous versions of PVW using the 6.2 License?
Start M3
Hello Today I received my my M3 account activation. So I called the page m3.cloudapp.net, but I only received a Microsoft Sivlerlight page whcih tells me that: The version of Silverlight installed is Silverlight 4 (4.0.50917.0), You are ready to use Microsoft Silverlight Nice but where do I go from here? Thanks for any…
How can I signup for an M3 account?
The following steps describe how to sign up for free trial access to Metastorm M3. Procedure * Go to http://www.metastorm.com/products/metastorm-m3-modeling.asp * Click the purple rectangle that reads "Request Free Trial Access to Metastorm M3 Today" * Read the License Agreement. If you agree to the terms click the "I…
Removing a SQL param in the Expression Builder throws an exception
If you have a parameter in an SQL statement in the Expression Builder, and then delete that parameter (using the 'X' button), the Designer throws an exception.
Not all language settings in IE are used, only the first
as I've noted in another thread, Metastorm BPM seems to ignore any language settimng apart from the one set to the very top in the IE settings.
You cannot use a list in a foreach loop as stated in the documentation
If anybody knows how you can use a list in a foreach loop as stated in the documentation, could they let me know? If possible with an example?
URL's in grids...
I had high hopes for this feature but so far I've found it somewhat flawed... I was hoping to be able an admin form passing a folderId in the query string, however from what I have discovered so far the url is automatically opened in a new window (with all the browser menu-bars, icons and options enabled etc..). This isn't…
Metastorm 9 - Filtering Grid from ECL?
Hi, in Metastorm 9, is there any possibility to Filter GRID by external Custom Client or by WebService? What we need is to access all data in Grid, which can be paged, sorted, but also FILTERED by any column. This would be added dynamically. Is there any possibility to access programatically Business Object or Grid and…
Provision KE Server access via extranet
I'm currently trying to extend our Provision intranet via the extranet. We currently have a reverse proxy configuration which translates and extranet URL to an intranet URL. I am successfully able to log in to the client and see the repositories. When trying to expand the rpeositories to view the notebooks, I confronted…