Deployement solutions
Hai all, When i am deploying multiple solutions. I am not able to see all processes in my blank forms. Only the latest one deployed solution is available.Where as iam able to find in to do list. Can you pls help me out how to resolve this? Thanks, Chenna Kesavulu
Announcing Metastorm BPM Version 9.0 Service Release 2
I am pleased to announce the availability of Metastorm BPM Version 9.0 Service Release 2. Metastorm BPM Version 9.0 Service Release 2 is provided as an incremental update and may be applied to either Metastorm BPM Version 9.0 or Version 9.0 Service Release 1. This release resolves a number of issues reported to our…
can we substitute the CROSS MARK button with some other icon in the stage
Hi....All, Can we place some other icon in place of the CROSS MARK button in the stage? (or) Can we disable the CROSS MARK in the stage? (I used eworkShowCancel(false) on formload and i disabled the cross button in the form level.I could not be able to disable the CROSS MARK in the stage.) please let me know what should i…
conditional mandatory fields
Hi all, how can i do a field mandatory(Required) based on a condition. Can it possible in metastorm 9.0? for ex: (I attached screen shot of the page,it can give better shape.....) radio button group has two options:Yes,No if i select yes then a " * " symbol should be placed before Text1. can it possible....... Thanks