Editable grid not "Optional"
I have a BO linked to a table and want to create another editable grid in an Admin Form. But for some reason the Default Action Behavior doesn't ever give me the "Optional" option - only Hidden and Read Only. I've re-created the business object, redone the form, redone the grid. Nothing. What am I missing? Thanks!
Documntum 6.5:Database
Hi All, Just want to understand Does documentum will connect to Postgres database as backend Thxs
Layered form segments problem
We are in the process of migrating v7 processes to v9. In some of our forms we have many form segments that are layered. Visibiliy of fields on those segments depends on some checkboxes. When I click something on form one form segment is shown (it's controls) and the other one is hidden. When I click something else I…
Jscript.NET error help
Hi, I am getting the error below on practically every server side script that I have. These have previously worked and this error in particular is from a one line script that just assigns a value to a variable. So for some reason it is throwing the error regardless of the script ... Unable to execute script entry point…
Get folder path with r_version_label
SELECT distinct f.r_object_id, fr.r_folder_path, f.r_version_label FROM dm_sysobject_r sr,dm_folder_r fr, fdk_document f WHERE sr.i_position = -1 AND fr.r_object_id = sr.i_folder_id AND fr.i_position = -1 AND f.r_object_id = sr.r_object_id AND f.i_latest_flag=1 AND f.i_is_deleted = 0 AND f.r_object_id IN (SELECT…
DFS Referencing a checked out document's DataObject for check-in
Can someone tell me how, in DFS, I would reference the DataObject for a previously checked out document. This is for the purpose of getting the checkout info and then checking in.. I tried the IVersionControlService.GetCurrent, and tried re-checking out, and both caused errors... Any sample will do, .NET preferred. Thanks!…
Clear Editable Grid Contents Prior to Submission
I'm looking for a way to delete all the rows out of an editable grid with a button press. The reason is we have a drop down list that contains a list of templates that are used to load the grid. When the template is selected and the load button is clicked I need to clear out any rows entered in the grid. After which the…
Scripted BO data type for image
Hi, What should be the Datatype of variable for an Image Control in Scripted Business Object. Thanks!