Hello everyone, we are trying to achieve a Workflow initiation where it has from the beginning attributes filled with data. For example, initiating a WF with the attribute "email" already with a value, to be used in an Email step.
But we can't seem to get the draft process to update.
This is what we've done: created a draft process using the Map ID, based on that we took the draftprocess_id, and then we made a PUT request with this body:
{"draftprocess_id" : 159998,
"action": "formUpdate",
"values": { "WorkflowForm_2": "email@gmail.ro"}}
We make this request in Postman using body/form-data where we put the body as a key and the JSON above as a value.
This returns the error:
{ "error": "Could not retrieve action"}
In this Workflow Map, we have exactly one WF attribute called email, I have a Start Step with Initiate in Smart View and a form that shows the attribute and it's set on editable.
Also, when we do the GET Request with /v1/forms/draftprocesses/update?draftprocess_id=159998
we get the information about this draft, what is weird is that in this section, we don't see an action with update as a key:
"data": {
"actions": [
"key": "Initiate",
"label": "Start"
This why we believe we cannot do the update actions on this workflow, why? Do we need to make other configurations/settings in OTCS beforehand?
Thank you!