Updating a draft process with attributes using CS REST API
Hello everyone, we are trying to achieve a Workflow initiation where it has from the beginning attributes filled with data. For example, initiating a WF with the attribute "email" already with a value, to be used in an Email step.
- We've seen the thread where this was also explained here: https://forums.opentext.com/forums/developer/discussion/comment/944049#Comment_944049
But we can't seem to get the draft process to update.
This is what we've done: created a draft process using the Map ID, based on that we took the draftprocess_id, and then we made a PUT request with this body:
{"draftprocess_id" : 159998, "action": "formUpdate", "values": { "WorkflowForm_2": "email@gmail.ro"}}
We make this request in Postman using body/form-data where we put the body as a key and the JSON above as a value.
This returns the error:
{ "error": "Could not retrieve action"}
In this Workflow Map, we have exactly one WF attribute called email, I have a Start Step with Initiate in Smart View and a form that shows the attribute and it's set on editable.
Also, when we do the GET Request with /v1/forms/draftprocesses/update?draftprocess_id=159998
we get the information about this draft, what is weird is that in this section, we don't see an action with update as a key:
"data": { "actions": [ { "key": "Initiate", "label": "Start" } ],
This why we believe we cannot do the update actions on this workflow, why? Do we need to make other configurations/settings in OTCS beforehand?
Thank you!
In case you have WebReports including the WebReport WF extension you may consider starting the WF by calling a WebReport.
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Hello @Hans_Stoop, we are right now limited to use the Content Server REST API 21.4.
Making a draft process and updating the Workflow attributes before initiating is exactly what we would need. But it seems that now the PUT request with either
does return the"Could not retrieve action"
error.Any chance this is fixable? In the 2020 thread people have managed to achieve this functionality of adding attributes to a Workflow before initiating it.
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You can call the WR with REST.
For any fixes you need to contact support.
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