Error using WebReport to call REST API for authenticating Content Server
Hello everyone,
I have this basic WebReport as follows:
@HOST:[LL_REPTAG_$host /]
@PORT:[LL_REPTAG_$port /]
@USERNAME:[LL_REPTAG_$username /]
@PASSWORD:[LL_REPTAG_$password /]
@OUTPUT:ASSOC:outputAssoc /]
[LL_REPTAG_!outputAssoc ASSOC:AuthAssoc /]
[LL_REPTAG_!outputAssoc /]
However, when I tried to run this web report, I got an error like so:
Does anyone have any idea? Thank you in advance!
Used to send requests to external Rest APIs. Using this tag to make Rest requests to the current Content Server system isn't supported.
If you need OTCSTicket just use this tag: [LL_REPTAG_OTCSTICKET /]
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@VasylZasetskyi , can you let me know if we can pass the certificate and key along with the REST API call,
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