Is Cloud Fax and RightFax the same?
I am currently trying to learn how to send a fax via api. And based on opentext documentation I only saw CloudFax. But I read rightfax also has an api. Are the two just the same? if not, what are they differences? I hope someone can help me for this. Thanks
RightFax does have an API but like you, I can't find any reference to it since the website redesign.
If you find something, please post a link, and I'll do the same.
Good luck
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I sent this inquiry to the team internally. I did find this Knowledge Base article that may help while we wait for the team:
“The RightFax WebAPI needs to be installed directly on the RightFax server. This cannot be on a remote Web Server.”
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Hi Karen! I have the same question; my group has a support contract with OpenText, tho' it seems like RightFax support is administered differently than other OpenText product support.
Did you get an answer to the above questions? I see no further replies here about that.
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