Is there a way to retrieve a user's DN without needing the Administrator role?
I have an AW 23.4 enviornment. I have a Lifecycle that has a Human Activity that is assigned to an "Indvidual" using a property that stores the user's DN value. This value is retrieved by a BPM that runs before the human task, in the BPM there is an AW LDAP web service endpoint that is called and the BPM works IF the user…
Call external web service process before destroy the document in RPS dispotion job
Hi, RPS Experts: I am looking for a solution in the RPS disposition (run the disposition job) so that an external process (through web service call) can be launched to clean data in another database related to the document to be disposed. If the external process failed (returned by the web service call), then the document…
Why SearchHumanTasks method is not retrieving all user tasks in 24.1 version ?
We have recently upgraded from Appworks 20.2 to Appworks 24.1 version. After upgrading we found out that SearchHumanTasks input structure has been changed. When we execute the task with required input, it only returns tasks assigned to roles and tasks assigned to current user. It is not returning tasks across all users.…
Get attachments out of eAttachment table
Hi Is there a way to extract all of the attachments in the eAttachment table and put them in a folder or network share? It would also be extremely helpful to be able to put each attachment in a folder made up of the metastorm foldername or some other information from the procedure so that the documents can be easily…
Are jackrabbit object content mapping and org.springmodules.jcr dying?
I was wondering about this. I'm planning to employ jackrabbit in a ECM project and it seems that OCM is dying or what, it is a different fork that the rest of the project. In maven repos there are old jackrabbit-ocm-nodemanagement jackrabbit-ocm versions, otherwise the project itself is downloadable via a referenced zip…
Error in BPMEngine.NET/ECL.rem
I get the following error when accessing BPMEngine.NET/ECL.rem : Server encountered an internal error. To get more info turn on customErrors in the server's config file. Check the following link that has recommendations for your configuration and I have already applied that part:…
End Construct Continue loop functionality
Hello, I have BPM with for each loop, I try to continue the loop even if one iteration fails on specific web service operation, hence I am using catch exception with continue loop end construct, but the process aborts on first failed iteration and never continues. First tried in debug mode, but it didn't work. On knowledge…
Can you use business process model to send user message instead of error (exception) message?
I know from a rule event you can send a warning or informational message to the user in the front end. Can you send a message to user displaying in front end (not error) that allows user to continue but gives them some information about the action taken by using a business process model? Thank you for any information.
Cannot copy file to another location in AppWorks
I encountered an error when trying to copy the BPM file to another location. I have tried it on our customers server and local server. Any idea what could be the issue? I have attached the screenshot. Thank You
Find out the Workspace iD in Appworks
Hello guys, am using the web service below to retrieve users of a position: <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP:Body> <getPositionUsers…