The name .... does not exist in current context
How do I link the variables, buttons into the business objects after migration from Metastorm v7 to v9? The variables cannot be accessed even though they seem to be migrated into the Business Object. Will appreciate any suggestions. Thanks, Bic
Mail server configuration in Documentum D2
Unable connect to our SMTP server through D2 application. But getting response in the TELNET from the Mail server. I have given the rightcredentials in Tools->email. how do i setup configuration in D2-Config ?
Set dynamic user to the Workflow
Hi, I created and published a role 'EDC' in the AppWorks platform, then i set the Assignee Type to 'Role' in a workflow activity, to read from message, the message element is assigned a fixed value 'EDC' in the activity pre-assignments. Now when i run the workflow, following error is raised, please advise: The…
Relation types
I've created a Relation Type in a project in Composer 6.7sp1. Parent type is a custom type and the Child type is the same custom type. I've installed the project, watching the installation progress. The relation type was installed and I verified so by querying for the dm_relation_type in DA. The issue is when I right click…
ERROR UPDATE_OBJECT requires both CUR and OLD data to be set
HEllo , guys please help me to know wy i have the error be low 2019-01-04 11:38:04,896 ERROR com.unitel.ged.web.controller.PerformTaskActionHelper:163 Problems submitting transition com.unitel.bpm.client.api.service.ProcessPlatformClientException: com.cordys.schemas.dao1_0_100.1.UpdateP10100FormDataFaultDetail:…
Base url to Rest APIs of Process suite
Hi, I'm calling Rest APIs of process suite 16.3, using the url below to execute process: /v1/businessProcess/executeProcess/ (Ref API: https://wiki.cordys.com/display/pp163/Execute+Process) I get the 404 error, please what is the base url of API method ? Thanks,
New validated and published entity not showing up in the 'Create a new item' list
Hi, I installed a brand new image with Appworks 16.5 and as an unexperienced user started to play with it following the manual "Process Platform EntityModeling Guide" At this moment I created a new workspace with 2 entities, validated them and installed them After that I needed it to make it all security technical…
documentum xplore
Hi, there, I have some question about documentum and xplore. I move documentum from old machine t onew machine and using a new install owner. (old install owner: Administrator, new install owner:test01) But when I install xplore and use the new install owner test01 to install index agent, error shows:…
xDA Command Line deployment
All, I'm trying to setup a continuous integration (CI) deployment environment for xCP 2.3 using Jenkins. I'm packaging the code correctly but now need to deploy to to xDA using xDA-Tools. In xCP 2.2 there was a way to login to xms-tools by passing in xms username/password as arguments (e.g. xms.bat --username admin…
Windows could not start the OpenText CARS(defaultInst) service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The pr
CARS service is not getting start.